Humanitarian Activities

In autumn 2003 the General Ambassador, Gr. Off. of Merit Dr. Marco Bianchi Merisi, at that time Ambassador for Africa, undertook an exploratory trip in sub-Saharan Africa for evaluating some of the most disadvantaged realities arrived to our attention.
Since then the Order's commitment, and particularly the Imperial and Royal House commitment, was constant and determined to raise funds and realize micro-projects in support of the Catholic missions, churches and workers / volunteers in many of these countries.
The first support was for the Diocese of Rustenburg, South Africa. The Tapologo mission was supported with the project ‘A school for boys and girls of freedom park’, started in 2003 and ended with the inauguration of 2009. Project that we still support.
The consequences of the terrible earthquake in Haiti was another sudden commitment. A due commitment for a country that suffers so much poverty.
In the Basilica of Santa Maria ad Martyres (Pantheon) in Rome was organized a unique event with the concert of the Musical Chapel of the Pantheon and M° Giovanni Allevi, who made concrete an economic aid.
To date the commitment is for the Card. Bernard Agrè foundation in Ivory Coast and for the church of the Capuchins of Asmara in Eritrea. The 2013-2014 period will see the Order collecting funds to renovate a ‘maternity care’ and an orphanage.

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The Foundation, in its entirety and complexity, takes care of the less fortunate and the needy. The Foundation's active members, about 25 people including 10 in administration and about 15 on-site, are all volunteers.
The main activities are agricultural, with a cooperative of about 1500 people, educational and hospital. At this moment most of the Foundation's forces is spent on the agricultural program that will allow, when finished, the self-sustaining of all the working group, by creating jobs directly in the territory.
There is an educational reality, at some sites of nuns that over the years have paid off, but the reality for which the Constantinian Nemagnic Order cares the most is a small garrison hospital, a maternity and neonatology structure that is situated at the mission of Soubiakvo, about 240 km to the east of Abidjan. In this structure, already existing and functioning, not only the future mothers are assisted in preparation for childbirth, but there are also some rooms dedicated just for the labor of women and for the assistance of the unborn. Furthermore, some rooms are also used, on the opposite side of the structure, to treat and educate to hygiene the population often affected by Buruli ulcer.


Construction of an obstetrics clinic in the Soubiakvo village, about 240 km to the east of Abidjan. Need to equip a small obstetrics clinic to give the opportunity, to the women of the surrounding villages, to give birth in safety.
The revival of the structure would allow to sustain an entire community of people and would allow us to open a very small garrison hospital of first necessity. Every child has the right to be born in a protected environment and our aim is just that; give them a chance to see the light in dignified and well-kept rooms.
All women, fundamental in today's society, must be protected and supported because by them is reborn the hope of this ravaged continent.


More information on the dedicated page "International Prize Constantinus Magnus"


The activities organized by this Sacred Militia (beneficial, cultural, managerial) are self-financed by the members of the Constantinian Nemagnic Order.
Here below are reported the details to make donations:

Postal Account No.: 82594011 (Iban Code: IT 43 K 07601 03200 000082594011)

Header: Nobile Milizia Aurata Costantiniana di S. Giorgio di rito orientale

Causal: Donazione per le attività e le spese del S.O.I.M.N.A.C.S.G.S.S.