November 18th

It was again, as tradition, the splendid Basilica of San Vitale in Rome, dating back to the fourth century, theater on November 18, of the Investiture Ceremony of new Knights and Dames of the Sacred Military Order Nemagnico Angelico Costantiniano di San Giorgio and Saint Stephen. The solemn event was attended by the Sovereign Grand Master, His Imperial Highness and Royal Prince Louis Maria Picco of Montenero Lavarello Obrenović of Serbia, Bosnia and Constantinople, over the Collation Orders.
The religious ceremony was celebrated by the General Spiritual Councilor, Msgr. Daniele Micheletti, pastor of the Basilica of San Vitale and Archpriest of the Basilica of Santa Maria ad Martiri (Pantheon), assisted by the Constantinian spiritual advisers. The ceremony of the Investiture Ceremony is regulated according to the Ceremonial of the Order and is characterized by the ancient rite of the imposition of the Sword and of the Vestition.
The new Knights and Dames publicly confirm the choice of life and service commitment undertaken in a part of the Order and publicly guaranteed by the insignia of the Order itself. The suggestiveness of the ceremony was enlarged by the scenery of the beautiful Basilica and the beautiful chants of the choir, which led to the execution of rare beauty. The new Knights and Dames come from the South and from the islands of Italy and from the Netherlands, where the Benelux Chapter is based in the city of Amsterdam.
The impressive Ceremonial of Investiture has been meticulously scrupulously by the Lady with Commenda di Giustizia, Donna Venerina Trassari, Ceremonial of the Order. At the end of the ceremony the nobles, the Knights and Dames, and the guests, are entertained at the Restaurant "Casa dell'Aviatore" of the Official Circolo dell'Aeronautica Militare for a convivial moment. Even the events are governed by a set of rules and formalisms, they are always by the Master of Ceremonies, Lady with Commandery of Justice, Donna Venerina Trassari and the Secretary General, Dama with Commend of Merit, Donna Giuliana Esposito.